Minutes of the meeting on 14 November 2011

1 Present: Roger Morton, Bernadette Blade, Avril Allen, Linda Mathewsman, Oliver Crudgington, Richard Barran, Alison Shipperlee, Pam Johnson,

Richaed Hawkins, Sandra Hawkins, Elizabeth Barber, David Sillitoe, Michael Green and Eric Thurston.

2 Apologies for absence: None

3 Minutes of last meeting: Accepted as correct.

4 Finances: Stands at £404 but payment for bouncy castle still outstanding.

5 Neighbourhood Watch: There was no report as Rep. was not present. Police sent letters to Saracens Head Yard re car damage.

6 Environment: RSM is removing the seats in Samuel Square because of the mess left by those who use them and the noise they make.

4 Ryder Seed Mews has replaced the PVC door and window as required by the enforcement order.

The pavement opposite the old band building in Sopwell Lane needs repairing, Concern about a tent in the garden of the Garibaldi. Roger will have a word with them. Plot of land beside 86 Albert Street and opposite the Garibaldi is used for car parking. It is not known to whom the land belongs. Grit and gritting machine. No further news. Eric to follow up.

7 Newsletter: It is felt that a newsletter is needed twice a year. Persons could be asked for their email address if they would like to be kept up to date, particularly with Neighbourhood Watch bulletins.

8 Christmas Dinner. This is on Friday 9th December 7.30 for 8.00pm. Cost is £22 each. Anyone else, who would like to attend, please let Eric know by 1st December.

9 Any other business: It was agreed to invite local residents for drinks in the White Hart Tap on Thursday 5th January 2012 to meet their street reps. Michael Green told us that the Council are considering having local forums, rather in the fashion of parish councils so that residents can have a greater say in Council matters. The question of barbecues to be discussed at a later meeting.

10 Next meeting: 16th January 2012