Minutes of the meeting on 09 May 2011

1 Present: Bernadette Blade, Pam Johnson with 2 observers, Elizabeth Barber, Alison Shipperlee, Roger Morton, Richard Barran, David Sillitoe, Michael Green and Eric Thurston.

2 Apologies for absence: none

3 Minutes of last meeting: Agreed.

4 Finances: Still at £414. One bill still outstanding to be paid.

5 Neighbourhood Watch: The minutes of the priority setting forum attended by Elizabeth were noted. Further vandalism in Ryder Seed Mews, with two lights being smashed, was noted. The police had been advised.

6 Environment: There was some concern about the gathering of youths in Samuel Square where they use the seats and often eat food and have drinks leaving their bottles and other wrappings on the ground, and sometimes are noisy. It was suggested that if the benches were replaced this would stop the trouble, as in the passage way in Hart Road. Occasionally it is used as a rest for elderly people.

Parking on the corner of Keyfield Terrace and Old London Road is still occurring, as the double yellow line requested for some years, has not been done. Michael will once again chase this up. It was asked whether the new sign on the corner house Keyfield Terrace needed permission from the Council. It was advised that this is a resurrection of an old sign. The replacement tree in the planter outside RSM Pageant Road should be in place shortly. Nothing has been done about the enforcement order to 4 RSM. Michael will enquire as to the present position. It was suggested that RSM Management should contact the Housing Association concerning the mis-use of the RSM rubbish bins as Linda had shown they all have adequate storage for their rubbish.

5 Website: This is up and running. Richard would welcome suggestions for what to put in it. H e explained about the e-mail address of everyone @saphra.com for getting in touch with those committee members on the Internet.

6 Barbecue &AGM: There was some concern about the lack of committee members attending this and promoting SAPHRA. Last year was not helped by the poor weather. It was decided to go ahead with it this year on 4th September and see how the response goes. There will be a Bouncy Castle and Elizabeth will undertake hand-bell ringing for people to join in.
The Comfort Hotel has been booked for the AGM on 5th September.

7 Newsletter: Michael will continue to produce this. He is looking for suggestions as to content.
8 Any other business: Bollards have been removed from Hart Road!!!

9 Next meeting: 11th July.