Minutes of the meeting on 17 January 2011

1 Present: Roger Morton, Pam Johnson with guest Juan, Richard Barran, Avril Allen, Jack Pia and Eric Thurston.

2 Apologies for absence: Alison Shipperlee, Katie Barron, Michael Green and Linda Mathewsman.

3 Minutes of last meeting; Accepted as correct.

4 Matters arising: It was noted that the Christmas dinner was enjoyed by all.

5 Finances: Still remains at £414 but there are 2 outstanding invoices to be paid

6 Neighbourhood Watch: In the absence of Katie there is no report. Eric reported vandalism to his car on the night of 6th January.

7 Environment: The question of gritting in Albert Street. The Council are not providing a bin for this area. Roger had a quotation for a bin within our means. Would the Council provide salt?
Car parking is still a problem. An extension of hours for resident parking would help. A petition would be needed of local residents.

There is still no action on 4 Ryder Seed Mews. Apparently this can take a considerable time.
Waste collection are now getting back to normal. Jack Pia offered to inquire about purple bags for Ryder Seed Mews.
The Garibaldi is not causing further problems at present.

7 Any other business: It is noted that car WU 52WKR still persists in parking on the Keyfield Terrace Old London Road corner. Double yellow lines are needed here. SAPHRA is now on the Council Resident Associations list. Eric has given them his e- mail address for further communications from it.

8 Next meeting: Monday March 14th at 8.00pm