Minutes of the meeting on 10 March 2014

1 Present: Roger Morton, Shirley Anderson, Alison Burroughes, Angela King, Avril Allen, Pam Johnson, Richard Barran, Bernadette Blade, David Sillitoe, Michael Green, Chris White and Eric Thurston.

2 Apologies for absence: Charles Davies, Linda Mathewsman, and Mary Plackett.

3 Minutes of last meeting: Agreed as correct.

4 Matters arising: Nil

5 Finances: Fund remains at £342

6 Neighbourhood Watch: Shirley attended police meeting. There is some difficulty in obtaining the packs with the window notices. The priority setting forum has not met.

7 Environment: Roger and Eric met with council officers from Herts County to show them our needs for our streets and traffic in this area. Mainly these were repairs needed in Albert Street to the surface and pavement kerbs, signage for lorries using Sopwell Lane and pavement repairs particularly in Keystone Terrace . Apparently special kerb stones are needed for Albert Street. We were also informed that the gulleys across the pavements are the responsibility of the appropriate householders.

Chris White was present for this item and informed us that he was dissatisfied with the recent resurfacing of Albert Street and found the new contractors most unsatisfactory.

Concern was expressed about the rubbish collection and the mess sometimes left. It was advised to ring the refuse collection and ask them to clear it up. Tel 01727 819285.

8 Any other business: Richard has managed to get the website under his control and it is now saphra .org .uk.

Another drinks evening suggested for Thursday 1st May at 8.00pm. Suggested venue the Hare and Hounds Roger to arrange.

9 Next meeting: 12th May